1950s hula-hooping has evolved into hoopdancing, a sizzling form of total body fitness that sculpts abdominals, builds muscle, improves cardiovascular health, heightens endurance, and creates a lean, toned body.

At the core of the HoopGirl workout is the Pleasure Principle, which means that play replaces the work in workout: it just feels good!

If you can walk, you can hoop! It doesn’t matter how old you are, or what kind of shape you’re in. Your measurements don’t matter either. This is because hoops (formerly known as Hula-Hoops®) have evolved–they’re now made to fit adult bodies and covered with fabric “sticky” tapes to help them adhere to your body.

A full beginner’s course and lessons on how to take hooping to the next level of hoopdance, HOOPING! includes:
•    50 clearly-illustrated step-by-step exercises
. The moves are as fun as they sound: Limbo, Booty Blitz, Float Up, Wildwest, and many more!
•    A DVD demonstrating how basic moves look, so you can mimic the action
•    Stretches and warm-ups
•    What to wear
•    Where to find and how to use larger, heavier “sticky” hoops
•    A recommended playlist of music for each chapter

•    Sample routines to flow the moves into fluid dance

HOOPING! is the result of over a decade’s worth of HoopGirl’s classes and teacher trainings.  Also included are personal stories of accomplishment and transformation from students. There’s also commentary from doctors and health experts who recommend hooping for healing and preventing a number of common ailments including back pain, circulation problems, and bone loss.